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HTW.Home Brew Series #19_Amber Ale

Hop Topic World. Home Brew Series (HTW.HBS)

Welcome to HTW.HBS!

This is a place to share our home brew experiences as a collective team with YOU; i.e. our members, followers, and friends. Will have some special guest along the way but mainly US. Look forward to the interaction with YOU and even share a taste from time to time at the next beer share. Things will be pretty simple at first but we plan to grow over time. Slow and steady..... WE hope you enjoy each series of blog installments and tell a friend.



HTW.HBS19_Amber Ale

Numero Uno... Yes! We came out the gate with a simple but complex flavored brew. Equipment was nothing spectacular, just a simple 5 gallon setup with bottle conditioning. Expect to use this setup the first few of our series. Jus FYI

The brew was done in an extremely filthy back yard that had the worst hairy dog next door and the wind would not quit! JK

Quiet morning no fuss no frills just time and space to crank out our FIRST EVER “HTW.HBS”. Trust me, we have been talking about home brewing as a team for a long time and it has been well over due to get it done.

Mash: The hot water was launched and blazed before the slow trickle of grains were added in. The grain drop and stir was done at a consistent pace. Churning along and let the grains sit for an hour. Checked if temp held in range every 15 mins. All done, except did you remember I said this was a very simple 5 gallon system? Well we made a “slight” error in not using our mesh bag for the grains. Yikes! So we did what the pros do and slowly fished the grains out the pot with a sterilized strainer. It took a little longer but finally we have liquid gold ready to boil.

· Story Break: Team Beer #2 - “Hide Your Kids” Shotgun Fail (If you saw the shotgun IG story, you know the reference) Yikes…..

Now let’s talk about how the boil overs chopped off a significant amount of our wort. As we pride ourselves for being meticulous, our hired flame and temp watcher screwed up twice and was fired on the spot. He has another job that came later in the process. I will say, if you want perfection it requires making tough decisions early. Hahaha

Look just give me the rundown, how the heck was it really?

“Hop Topic World_Beer Tasting Score Card”

· Name: HBS19_Amber Ale

· ABV: 5.9%

· Appearance: Amber/Copper

· Aroma: Malty, Roasty, Slight Smoky

· Taste: Sweet, Light Bitter Finish

· Palate: Medium-Bodied


“Brew taste good, not great carb, but the color was amazing.” initial reaction from a recent Thirsty Thursday share. Its way above HTW expectations and that’s the honest truth. And we are sticking to it. Hope you get a taste at our next beer share, yet we plan to definitely perfect this particular style. Stay tuned….

Next: HTW.HBS20_Lemon Drop DDH HAZY IPA

Until next time, love, peace, and cheers!

Team HTW

Hop Topic World

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2 comentários

07 de mar. de 2021

If y'all need someone to help play with fire and drink some beers for next time, I know a guy. 😆

Hop Topic
Hop Topic
07 de mar. de 2021
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